


C. The relationship is analogous to that of structures and processes.

D. The relationship of language to culture is that of part to whole.

13. The famous line “My love is a red, red rose.” stirs up vividly the imagination of a beautiful lady. This is the _______ meaning of “rose”.

A. denotative B. connotative C. iconic D. dictionary

14. The meaning can be found in the dictionary is the _______ meaning of a word.

A. denotative B. connotative C. iconic D. culture

15. In English, “green” in the phrase “green-eyes” is associated with ________.

A. unhappy feelings B. high social position C. envy or jealousy D. negative qualities

16. France has made special efforts to protect its language from being corrupted by other languages especially American English. This is a kind of ________.

A. linguistics imperialism B. linguistic nationalism C. cultural imperialism

D. cultural diffusion

17. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is about ________.

A. language and thought B. language and translation C. grammatical structure D. second language acquisition

18. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is also known as linguistics ________.

A. reliability B. relativity C. reversibility D. reachability

19. Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is NOT true?

A. Nonverbal communication and culture are similar in that both are learned, both are passed on from generation to generation, and both involve shared understandings.

B. Studying nonverbal behavior can lead to the discovery of a culture s underlying attitudes and values.

C. Nonverbal actions always occur in isolation.

D. Nonverbal communication has five basic functions: to repeat, to complement, to substitute for a verbal action, to regulate, and to contradict a communication event.

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