

Washington was born。美国是乔治 华盛顿出生的国家。(in which用where替换)(2)I have forgotten the exact date on which this small country becameindependent。我忘了这个国家独立的确切日期了。(on which用when替换)(3)The reason for which he refused to go to the party was that they had not invited him to。他拒绝去赴宴的原因是他没受到他们的邀请。(for which用why替换)

二“名词+of +关系代词”引导定语从句时,可与相关的关系副词“ whose +名词”替换。如:(1)I will talk to those students the homework of whom hasn””t been done。我要和没完成作业的同学谈话。(the homework of whom用whose homework替换)(2)She lives in the house the windows of which face to the east。她住在一栋窗户朝东的房子里。(the windows of which用whose windows替换)


并不是所有的动词短语都能拆开,要注意有些动词短语不能拆开使用。这样的动词短语常用的有:lookafter,look for,turn in,pay attention to,take care of,depend on,listen to等。如:1。The babies (whom)the nurses are looking after are very healthy。保育员照看的婴儿都很健康。2。Is this the book (which/that)she was looking for?这是她正在找的那本书吗?3。Where is the wallet (which/that)you turned in yesterday?你昨天上交的钱包哪去了?4。These are the words (which/that)you should pay attention to。这些是你应该注意的单词。 四注意“介词+where ”引导的定语从句 有时我们可以见到“介词+where”引导的定语从句,此时要和“介词+which”引导的定语从句从意思上加以区别。

如:1。His head soon appeared out of the window,from where he saw nothing but trees。他的头很快从窗口露出来,从那儿除了树木他什么也看不见。(from where相当于from out of the window。而不是from the window)2。They stood on the top of the building,from where they could see the whole city。他们站在楼顶上,从那儿能看到整个城市。(from where相当于from the top of the building,而不是from the buiding


