西方文化概论结业论文 英文版


My opinion about the western culture

The western culture comes from the ancient Greek culture and the ancient

Hebrew culture, it has a significant influence on the Western people’s daily life. In my opinion, the western culture can be divided into two parts, the first part is the intersection of the ancient Greek civilization and civilization of ancient Rome , the second part is the religious system and the development of the feudal rule .

For the first part, the ancient Greek civilization is the first one to establish the system of Western mythology, and the ancient Rome civilization which continued to put religious and feudal rule together, in this terms ,Bronze and painting have achieved a great success, now, we can see the prosperity of ancient Greek society from the Homa's epic , we can also saw the ancient Romans’ brave and battlewise from the dilapidated Colosseum.

For the second part, the Western religious system mainly focus on Christianity and Islam, the two religious system have an irreconcilable conflict ,meanwhile , they developed by recruited more and more believers, many famous war was happended in this terms, the famous one is the Crusade, in the last, the Christianity are mainly distributed in the Western Europe, however the Islam mainly distributed in Eastern Europe, which is today in the Middle East, the religious also promoted the development of architecture, form the unique characteristics of the Gothic style of European Civilization .

In general, the western culture is the development of a comprehensive cultural. It


