

法。 The teacher with whom the students in our class are popular isMr Wang, our English teacher. (be popular with)在我们班,深受学生欢迎的是王老师--我们的英语老师。 (3)根据定语从句修饰的先行词确定介词,其先行词往往是表示时间、地点、原因、方法、工具等的词,它们与介词之间有一定的联系。当“介词+关系代词”在定语从句中充当时间、地点、原因状语时,可分别用when, where, why替换。例如: I’ll never forget the day on which (= when )I joined the army. 我永远也忘不了我参军的那一天。 The factory in which (= where)his father works is far away from my hometown. 他父亲工作的那家工厂离我们家乡很远。 I don’t know the reason for which (=why)he was late for school. 我不知道他为何上学迟到。 This is the camera with which he often takes photos. 这就是他经常用来拍照的相机。 (4)根据句子的意思确定介词。有些句子,先行词完全一样,定语从句中谓语动词不是由固定的动词短语构成的,这时,要根据句子所要表达的意思,选用不同的介词。例如: This is the pilot for whom I boughta camera. (意思是:I bought a camera for the pilot. )这就是我给他买相机的那位飞行员。 This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for ten years. (意思是:My brother has worked with the pilot for ten years. )这就是和我弟弟一起工作了十年的那位飞行员。 This is the pilot by whom my son was saved. (意思是:My son was saved by this pilot. )这就是救了我儿子的那位飞行员。 2. 介词若与从句中的动词词组有关,可前置于关系代词前,也可置于动词后,但若此介词与动词为固定词组,则此介词一般不前置。例如: Yesterday we paid a visit to the house in which Lu Xun lived. →Yesterday we paid a visit to the house which Lu Xun lived in. 昨天,我们参观了鲁迅的故居。 This is the very pen that I’m look for. (look for为固定词组,则介词for不可前置。)那就是我正在找的那支钢笔。 3. 限定性定语从句中,介词前置时,关系代词不能用that,且不能省略;若介词后置,则可以用that,也可以省略。例如: This is the school in which I studied 3 years ago. →This is the school(which / that)I studied in 3 years ago. 这就是三年前我学习的那所学校。 4. 表示所属关系时,介词应用of,关系代词为which / whom, 即n. + of+ which / whom,可转换为whose+ n. 。例如: He lives in a room, the window of which faces west. →He lives in a room, whose window faces west. 他住的房间,窗子向西开着。 The child was saved by a man, the name of whom was not known. →The child was saved by a man, whose name was not known. 这个孩子被一位不知姓名的男子所救。 5. 表示整体中的一部分或……中最……的,介词一般也用of。例如: The Greens have two daughters, both of whom are college students.



介词in,on,at,for等与关系代词which一起引导定语从句时,可与相关的关系副词when,where,why等替换。如:(1)America is the country in which George


