

示“相互作用”的及物动词,如:equal,mean,resemble等时。 1.No one equals him in intelligence.他的智力是无与伦比的。 不能说:He is equaled by no one in intelligence. 2.Revolution means liberating productive force.革命就是解放生产力。 不能说:Liberating productive force is meant by revolution. 3.The two boys resemble each other in appearance.这两个男孩长得相似。 不能说:Each other is resembledby the two boys in appearance. 四、当句子的谓语是表示“明白”意义的及物动词,如:get,catch,take时,也没有相应的被动语态。 1.The boy said,“I didn’t catch the last two words.”这个男孩说:“我没听清楚最后两个词。” 不能说:The boy said,“The last two words weren’t caught by me.” 2.I don’t take you at all.你说的我一点也不懂。 不能说:You aren’t taken by me at all. 五、动词have作“有、接受、度过、吃、经历”解时,没有被动语态。 1.I have five good dictionaries.我有五本好词典。 不能说:Five good dictionaries are had by me. 2.I had three letters from Mr.Green.我收到过格林先生三封信。 不能说:Three letters were had by me from Mr.Green. 3.We shall have a good Spring Festival.我们将过一个愉快的春节。 不能说:A good Spring Festival will be had by us.

4.I usually have breakfast at half past six.我通常六点半吃早饭。 不能说:Breakfast is usually had by me at half past six. 六、当及物动词last表示“持续”、“经久”的含义时,也没有相应的被动语态。 This coat has lasted me five years.这件外衣我已穿了五年。 不能说:I have been lasted five years by this coat. 七、及物动词cost表示“价值”、“花费”意义时,没有被动语态。 That project cost them too much in man-power,material and money.那项工程耗费了他们大量的人力、物力和财力。 不能说:They were cost too much in manpower,material and money by the project. 八、及物动词“befall”表示“临到……头上”,“发生于”之意时,没有被动语态。 A succession of misfortunes befell the poor little girl.这个可怜的女孩遭受了种种不幸。 不能说:The poor little girl was befallen by a succession of misfortunes. 综上所述,并非所有的及物动词都可用于被动语态。所以我们要仔细辨析,以免用错。

介词+关系代词”引导定语从句是我们学习定语从句的重点,也是高考的常考点。学习这种从句应注意以下几点: 1. 用于这种情况的关系代词一般为which(指物)和whom(指人)。在这种结构中,介词的选择非常关键,可以遵循以下四个原则: (1)根据定语从句中的谓语动词确定介词,其动词与介词搭配,构成动词短语。例如: Is this the car for which you paid ahigh price? (pay for)这是你花大价钱买的车吗? In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help. (turn to sb. for help)在黑暗的街上,她找不到一个人来帮助她。 The man with whom you shook hands just now is our English teacher. (shake hands with sb. )刚才你和他握手的那个人是我们的英语老师。 (2)根据定语从句中的形容词确定介词,其形容词与介词搭配,构成形容词短语。例如: The two things about which Karl Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms. (be sure about)马克思没有把握的两件事是:语法和习惯用


