Unit 04
In-class reading passage
creativity 1.1/ practically 2.3/ manufacture 2.4/ substance 2.6/ perfect 2.9/ strategy 3.1/ function 3.6/ approach 4.3&7.3/ sacrifice for 6.5/ apply ... to ...6.7/ combine ... with ...7.5/ be up to 7.20/ workable 7.22/ scorn 7.28/ dismiss 7.28/ involve in 8.2/ consequence 8.5/ by its nature 9.4/ conventional 9.5/ item 10.4/ automatically 10.8/ trait 10.12/ motivation 10.13
If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as practically essential: masking tape. 2.1 如果1925年迪克·德鲁听从了他老板的意见,也许我们就不会有遮护胶带这种用品了。现在我们几乎离不开它
It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing and one that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school. 3.1 这种策略已被越来越多的公司所采用,而且全国各地的专家认为,对孩子也应仿效这种做法,无论是在家里还是在学校。
Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something. 5.5