In-class reading passage
intrigue 1.3/ column 2.5/ inspiring 2.6/ make a habit of 3.2/ all walks of life 3.3/ be flooded with 4.3/ recipient 4.4/ spirit-lifting 4.5/ uplifting 5.3/ be on to sth. 5.4/ unresponsive 5.5/ reassurance 5.6/ boost 5.6/ shy away from 6.2/ sentimental 6.4/ drawback 7.1/ attach importance to 7.2/ savor
7.5/ virtually 8.5/ cordial 8.6/ associate 8.8/ acquaintance 8.9/ be characterized as 9.3/ lift up 9.5/ be credited for 9.7/ turn .... around 9.7/ reinforcement 10.6/ thrive on 10.6/ practitioner 11.4/ vague 14.3/ precise 14.4/ spontaneous 15.1/ linger in 15.2/ stationery 16.4/ It’s that counts 16.5/ milestone 17.5/ acknowledge 17.11/ considering 17.13/ complimentary 19.1/ mentor 19.2/ overdue 19.5
In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such notes bring warmth and reassurance. 5.4
We all need a boost from time to time, and a few lines of praise have been known to turn around a day, even a life. 5.6 我们都时不时地需要鼓励,大家知道几行赞扬的话会改变一个人的一天,甚至一生。
Throughout his career he has followed up virtually every contact with a cordial response—a compliment, a line of praise or a nod of thanks.
8.4 在他整个职业生涯中,每次与人们接触之后,他几乎都随后写封信,内容亲切——一句赞美之辞,一行表扬的话,或一段感谢