


借鉴经验: draw upon/ learn from experience

取得丰硕成果: abundant accomplishments

预祝…圆满成功: wish sth. a complete success

6-4 Looking Ahead

广泛领域:in a wide range of areas

亚欧伙伴关系: Asia-Europe partnership

会议主办国: host

亚欧首脑会议: Asia-Europe Summit

成立10 周年: 10th anniversary

循序渐进: make gradual progress

人员交往: people-to-people exchange

谋划发展方向: plan the future development

高瞻远瞩: adopt a long-term strategy

实质性合作: cooperation in substantive terms

回顾过去: look back on the past experiences

展望未来:look into the future

相互尊重: mutual respect

平等互利: equality and mutual benefit

求同存异: seek common ground while putting aside differences

反对贸易歧视和制裁: eliminate trade discrimination and oppose imposition of trade sanctions

司法: judicial sector

后续活动: follow-up activities

大力倡导多边合作: actively promote multilateral cooperation

降低关税: reduce tariffs

描绘光辉远景: shape a splendid future

7-1 A Green City

economic integration: 经济一体化

municipality: 自治市

greenfield development potential: 发展绿地的潜力

aerospace: 航空航天

biomedical industry: 生物医药业

apparel industry: 服装业

professional service: 专业服务

telecommunication: 电信

urbanization: 城市化

high value added business operations: 高附加值的商务运作实体

digital media: 数字媒体

realty tax: 固定资产税

civil servant: 公务员

city councilor: 市政厅议员

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