典范英语参考7_15 球王贝利的故事(3)
4. 人物分析(Character Analysis):培养学生的归纳论证能力
教师提问:As a man’s character is his diamond/fate, Pelé’s personalities contribute to his success. What kind of person is Pelé? 让学生用单个的词或短语描述,然后说出理由。必要时,可通过提问进行引导。如:
(1)Why do you think that Pelé’s mother didn’t want him to be a footballer? What was Pelé’s response to her concern?
Pelé’s father was a footballer who got seriously injured and didn’t make much money. Pelé’s mother worried that the same thing would happen to Pelé. Though his mother cried when he left, Pelé didn’t change his mind. Despite homesickness, he made it and played well at Santos.
Pelé: Mum, I’m desperate to be a footballer.
Mother: You’ll never earn any money at that game.
Pelé: But it’s the only thing I’m good at.
Mother: You’ll always be travelling and never see us.
Pelé: I will come back as often as possible. I promise.
(2)Pelé was small and very skinny at 17, what made him special as a footballer?
Everybody was expecting great things from him.
(3)Why is Pelé still thought of as the greatest footballer ever?
Because of his brilliant championship records and his devotion to charity.
Talented: He played well from the very beginning.
Passionate: His mother didn’t want him to be a footballer, but he went to Santos anyway. Determined, tough: Despite the injuries and the failures, he never gave up football.
Strategic: He stopped playing World Cups for a while because he knew he would be a target for the hard men on other teams. During this time, he gradually recovered.
Charitable: He does a lot of charity work these days.
5. 讨论(Discussion):培养学生的批判性思维能力
(1)就故事的主题(Be successful)进行提问和讨论,循序渐进,层层深入。引导学生认识到成功不仅仅需要天赋,更需要智慧和后天努力。可参考以下问题(可以把以下问题放在PPT上显示出来,让学生分组进行讨论,问题前的关键词语不要在PPT上显示,此处仅供教师参考):
EVALUATE How do you comment on the saying “a man’s character is his fate”?
If you complain about everything, you find life is full of various tragedies. But if you always look on the cheerful side, you find much fun in your life. To complain or to rejoice, it’s part of the character. But a positive character can be nurtured. It is crucial to success.
EVALUATE What is more important for success, talent or hard work?(We need both.)
CLARIFY Who is your favourite sports star?
EXPLAIN How did his/her character lead to his/her success?(Those who don’t follow
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