典范英语参考7_15 球王贝利的故事(2)
Brazil is more like a continent than a country. It is the world’s fifth largest nation in physical size, exceeded only by Russia, China, the United States, and Canada. By far as the largest country in Latin America, Brazil is the world’s largest tropical country. Brazil has a famous national football team, which has won the World Cup championship for 5 times. That is the very team Pelé once played for.
2. 朗读和复述(Reading aloud & Retelling):朗读与思考相结合;关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力
将学生分为9组,每组负责一章。小组内,集体朗读本组负责章节的内容,然后讨论该章大意,用一句话概括出来。最后以句子接龙的方式展示每章的主要内容,以此复述故事。教师可按此介绍活动要求:You are divided into 9 groups. Each group takes one chapter. All the group members read aloud the chapter together. After the reading, summarize the chapter in one simple sentence.
教师给出Introduction部分的一句话介绍。答案可参考以下: Introduction This is the story of a boy who grew up to be a great footballer.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
3. 情节分析(Plot Analysis):启发学生思考
给学生展示折线图,横轴为重要年份,顶点高度表示该事件在Pelé足球生涯中的重要程度,请学生根据故事在折线图顶点标注对应事件,通过折线的变化体会Pelé跌宕起伏的足球生涯。教师先介绍该折线图:Look at this line chart. The horizontal axis represents time of year, the vertical axis events. The value of each event is measured according to its impact to Pelé. Please look at this chart and fill in the events. 之后,教师提问:What do you know from this chart? 引导学生总结出:There are ups and downs in Pelé’s football career life. But in general, he is the most successful footballer in this planet, the King of football.
As a child, Pelé dreamed of becoming a footballer. Pelé played for Santos. Pelé played well and became the youngest player in the Brazilian team. Pelé won his team a chance to be in the World Cup Final. Pelé’s team defeated the Swiss team. Pelé had injuries and the Brazilian team lost a World Cup. Pelé kept playing football and scored the 1000th goal. Pelé came back and won World Cup champions until retirement in 1977. Pelé is the King of Football.