新标准大学英语 综合教程1 答案Unit1-4(18)
Britain over the past 15 years. Today it is thought that there are more than55 million mobile phone subscribers, a rise from less than 10 million in 1997.
2 Now it has been announced that the signal range throughout London willbe extended, nowhere in London will be beyond the reach of a mobile phone, noteven the Underground. 现在有消息说,伦敦的手机信号覆盖范围将拓展延伸。以后,在伦敦的每一个角落都有手机信号,就连地铁也不例外。
3 This subject of research aroused my interest and took me the length andbreadth of France.
4 These episodes and incidents all involve a cultural bump, somethingwhich you notice usually with
curiosity, usually with pleasure, occasionally with shock orembarrassment.
这些插曲、事件都包含着文化碰撞,使你感到好奇、愉悦,但偶尔也会让你感到震惊或尴尬。 5 But it’s not a matter of knowing all the conventions and rituals indifferent cultures. It’s impossible
to collect all the information you might need to be relaxed in the manydifferent cultures around
the world.
5 Translate the sentences into English.
1 据估计,目前中国4亿手机用户中,有大约一半人的隐私受到了威胁。(it is estimatedthat ; privacy)
It is estimated that today, the privacy of half of the 0.4 billion mobilephone subscribers is in danger.
2 人们在购买生活必需品上的花费越少,他们安排的诸如旅游等娱乐活动就越多。(the less the more )
The less people spend on daily necessities, the more arrangements they willmake for leisure activities, such as travelling.
3 对我来说,旅游最大的好处就是可以去不同的地方,了解不同文化背景下人们的生活方式以及传统习俗。(What Iespecially like about is )
What I especially like about travelling is that I can go to differentplaces and learn about particular
lifestyles, conventions and customs in different cultures.
4 在大多数情况下,文化碰撞激起的是人们对不同文化的好奇心,只有在极少数情况下,文化碰撞会造成尴尬。(culture bump;on rare occasions)
In most cases, cultural bumps arouse people’s curiosity about different cultures.Only on rare occasions can they cause embarrassment.
5 你可以保留自主选择的权利,但作为一个成年人,你做事不要冲动。(reserve theright to; act on impulse)