新标准大学英语 综合教程1 答案Unit1-4(12)
4 If you assimilate information, are you likely to (a) take it inand use it effectively, or (b) analyze it and reject it asirrelevant?
5 Is something which is subjective likely to be based on (a) fact,or (b) your own feelings or ideas?
6 If you get bogged down in something, are you (a) enjoying it, or (b) not ableto get free from it?
7 Is a step-by-step approach likely to (a) jump to a conclusion, or(b) moveforwards slowly and logically?
Language in use
1 Match the sentences with the uses of much .
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (a)
2 Rewrite the sentences using not think muchof.
1 I didn’t think that lesson was very good.
I didn’t think much of that lesson.
2 None of us like the timetable we’ve been given for this term.
None of us think much of the timetable we’ve been given for this term. 3 I’m afraid I’ve got strong doubts about what I’ve written.
I’m afraid I don’t think much of what I’ve written.
4 Our professor is always criticizing this book.
Our professor doesn’t think much of this book.
5 I don’t like the theme of this week’s essay.
I don’t think much of the theme of this week’s essay.
6 I don’t agree with Honey and Mumford’s ideas about learning types. I don’t think much of Honey and Mumford’s ideas about learning types. 3 Complete the sentences using much rather ormuch prefer .
1 I’d much rather work in thelibrary than in my room.
2 Li would much rather study with afriend than on her own.
3 Personally I much prefer taking notes to being givenphotocopies.
4 Some people would much rather start writingstraight away than spend a lot oftime reading.
Now write two more sentences about your ownstudy preferences. Use much rather and much prefer .
I would much rather listen to lecturesthan read the lecture notes.
I would much prefer asking questionsafter class to asking questions in class. 4 Rewrite the sentences using much less .
1 I can’t even say two words in Chinese, so I definitely can’t speak thelanguage. I can’t even say two words in Chinese, much less speak the language.
2 Basic study skills are often not taught here, and certainly notpractised. Basic study skills are often not taught here, much less practised.
3 Nobody has even started the essay, let alone finished it.
Nobody has even started the essay, much less finished it.
4 Hardly anyone in the room heard what the lecturer was saying, and so ofcourse they didn’t understand him.
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