

计算机专业英语教程第5版翻译 绝对准确

“新的标准特别重要,因为它们承诺把更高级的技术革新和市场兼容性带给今天的技术用户,”PC杂志主编Michael J. Miller说,“DVD-ROM是被选出的激发兴趣的技术,因为它是一种熟悉的格式,它把大量的新计算、新教育、新游戏和新娱乐的可能性带给用户。”

In the Award citation to DVD-ROM technology, PC Magazine referred to DVD as the format that will ”replace the CD-ROM as the primary means of PC content distribution. ”Representatives of three companies involved in development of the specification, Hitachi Ltd. , Matsushita Electric Industrial Company(Panasonic) and Toshiba Corporation, accepted the award on behalf of the DVD Forum in a ceremony held on November 17 at COMDEX’ 97 in Las Vegas.

在对DVD-ROM技术的颁奖词中, PC杂志称,DVD将会“代替CD-ROM作为PC内容 (即各种软件和资料) 传播的主要手段。”参加规范开发的三个公司的代表(日立,松下,东芝)以DVD论坛的名义在11月7日,Las Vegas COMDEX '97 举行的庆祝典礼上接受该项奖。

“Products based on specifications defined by the DVD Forum are now shipping in volume to the worldwide computer and consumer electronics markets, and the Award for Technical Excellence adds to the market’s validation of the success of the standards process, ”said Koji Hase, General Manager of the DVD Products Division at Toshiba Corporation and a founding member of the DVD Forum. ”We are extremely pleased to see the work of the DVD Forum recognized as one of the key technical achievements in the personal computer industry, particularly as the Forum expands the scope of its work with a large, global membership in 1998. ”

“基于DVD论坛定义的规范的产品现在正在大量运往世界各地的计算机和电子产品市场,并且卓越技术奖增加了市场对成功制定标准的认可,”东芝公司DVD产品部总经理和DVD论坛创办成员Koji Hase说,“我们非常高兴地看到DVD论坛的工作被公认为个人计算机工业中重要的技术成就之一,特别是在1998年与更大的,全球的会员扩大了它的工作范围。”

“The members of the DVD Forum developed the DVD-ROM specification as the best technical approach and also the best approach for customers in the marketplace, ”said Sakon Nagasaki, director of the DVD Business Development Office of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd(Panasonic). “Acceptance of the format illustrates how standards – making efforts advance the goals of the entire electronics industry. ” “DVD论坛的成员把DVD-ROM规范开发作为最好的技术方法和对市场上客户的最好方法”松下有限公司的DVD商业开发办公室主任Sakon Nagasaki说,“该格式的接受说明了制定标准如何加快整个电子工业的目标的实现。”

In addition to its role in development of DVD-ROM and DVD-Video standards, the Forum has proposed the format for recordable DVD, known as DVD-R, and rewritable DVD, known as DVD-RAM, to international standards bodies. Work is also continuing on definition of a DVD Audio specification.


“The misson of the DVD Forum is to define a smooth migration from CD to DVD technology by working with the widest possible representative group of manufacturers and technology end-users in the converging industries of computers and cusumer electronics, ”said Dr. Yoshita Tsunoda, a member of the Exective Staff of Hitachi, Ltd. And Chairman of the DVD Forum’s DVD-RAM Working Group. “The different working groups have already completed definition of three separate DVD technology standards, and we have begun work on developing next generation specifications that will provide compatible products well into the next century.”

“DVD论坛的任务是,在汇合计算机工业和消费电子产品工业中,通过与最广泛代表性的制造商与技术最终用户小组一起工作,确定从CD技术向DVD技术的平滑过渡的途径。”日立有限公司执行官之一和DVD论坛DVD-RAM工作组主席Yoshita Tsunoda博士说,“不同工作组已完成三个不同的DVD技术标准的定义,并且我们已开始开发下一代规范的工作,这些规范将很好地提供可兼容产品到下一世纪。”

Recipients of the PC Magazine Awards for Technical Excellence are named by a team of editors, senior contributors and PC Labs personnel after months of evaluation and discussion. PC Magazine, the sponsor of the Technical Excellence Awards, is a 1.175 million circulation magazine published by Ziff-Davis Inc. Pc

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