

计算机专业英语教程第5版翻译 绝对准确


Optical laser disks are becoming a very inviting option for users. They are less sensitive to environmental fluctuations, and they provide more direct-access storage at a cost that is much less per megabyte of storage than the magnetic-disk alternative. Optical laser disk technology is still emerging and has yet to stabilize; however, at present there are three main categories of optical laser disks. They are CD-ROM, recordable CD-R and rewritable CD-RW, and magneto-optical disk.



Introduced in 1980, the extraordinarily successful CD, or compact disk, is an optical laser disk designed to enhance the recorded reproduction of music. To make a CD recording, the analog sounds of music are translated into their digital equivalents and stored on a 4.72-inch optical laser disk. Seventy-four minutes of music can be recorded on each disk in digital format by 2 billion digital bits. With its tremendous storage capacity, computer-industry entrepreneurs immediately recognized the potential of optical laser disk technology. In effect, anything that can be digitized can be stored on optical laser disk: data, text, voice, still pictures, music, graphics, and video.


CD-ROM(pronounced cee-dee-ROM) is a spinoff of audio CD technology. CD-ROM stand for compact disk-read only memory. The name implies its application. CD-ROM disks, like long-playing record albums, are “pressed” at the factory and distributed with their prerecorded contents(for example, the complete works of Shakespeare or the first 30 minutes of Gone with the wind). Once inserted into the disk drive, the text, video images, and so on can be read into primary storage for processing or display; however, the data on the disk are fixed—they cannot be altered. This is in contrast, of course, to the read/write capability of magnetic disks.

CD-ROM(读作C—D—ROM)是音频CD技术的副产品。CD-ROM代表紧密盘—只读存储器。该名字隐含了它的应用。只读光盘与 (能长期播放的) 唱片一样,在工厂里“压制”并带着预先录好的内容 (如莎士比亚全集,或电影“飘”的前30分钟部分),分发出去。一旦光盘插入光盘驱动器,正文、视频图像等等就能读入主存进行处理或显示;然而,在只读光盘上的数据是固定的—它们不能被改变。当然,这是与磁盘的读/写能力不同的。

The tremendous amount of low-cost dir-access storage made possible by optical laser disks has opened the door to many new applications.



CD-R and CD-RW both allow user to store data on compact discs, but only data on rewriteable CDs can be erased and overwritten. CD-R discs can only be written to once. Both types of discs look very similar to CD-ROM discs. Recordable CDs are commonly used to store music files, allowing home users to make high-quality personalized music CDs. CD-RW discs can be written to and erased similar to floppy disk. Consequently, they are a good alternative for large file storage, as well as for creating a “master” disc before burning a CD-R discs(most CD-RW drives can write to both CD-RW and CD- R discs, but some CD and CD-R drives cannot read CD-RW discs). CD-R and CD-RW drives also read CD-ROM discs. However, CDs will be eclipsed BY DVDs, once that technology becomes improved and standardized.


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