

计算机专业英语教程第5版翻译 绝对准确


Figure 6-2 illustrates the idea.


@ Dividing data into small packets ensures that all sources receive prompt service because it prohibits one source from gaining exclusive access for an arbitrarily long time.arbitrary

prompt 立刻地 prohibit禁止 arbitrarily 任意地 exclusive 独占


In particular, if one source has a few packets to send and another has many, allowing both sources to take turns sending packets guarantees that the source with a small amount of data will finish promptly. 特别是,如果一个源只有少量的包发送,而另一个源有许多包发送,于是允许两个源轮流发送包就保证只有少量数据的源会很快结束。

@ In fact, most computer networks use some form of time division multiplexing. demultiplexor 实际上,大多数计算机网络使用某种形式的TDM。


7.1 An Overview of a Database System


@ Let us consider an enterprise, such as an airline, that has a large amount of data kept for long periods of time in a computer.


This data might include information about passengers, flights, aircraft, and personnel, for example. 这些数据,例如,可能包括关于乘客、航班、飞机与乘务组人员的信息。

Typical relationahips that might be represented include bookings (which passengers have seats on which flights? ) flight crews (who is to be the pilot, copilot, etc., on which flights?), and service records (when and by whom was each aircraft last serviced? ).

booking 预订 flight crew 机组人员 pilot 驾驶员 copilot 副驾驶员


@ Data, such as the above, that is stored more-or-less permanently in a computer we term a database. term 把...叫做


@ The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data is a database management system(DBMS).


The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide an environment that is both convenient and efficient to use in retrieving information from and storing information into the database.

retrieving 检索


Data Abstraction 数据抽象

@ It should be obvious that between the computer, dealing with bits, and the ultimate user dealing with abstracions such as flights or assignment of personnel to aricraft, where will be many levels of abstraction. 显然,在处理二进位的计算机和处理像航班或把乘务组人员分派到飞机这样一些抽象的最终用户之间将存在很多层抽象。

A fairly standard viewpoint regarding levels of abstraction is shown in Figure 7-1.


There we see a single database, which may be one of many databases using the smae DBMS software, at three

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