第11卷第1期 面孔加工的认知神经科学研究:回顾与展望 - 43- 17(1/2/3): 1~11
The Cognitive Neuroscience Of Face Processing: A Review
Xu Yan, Zhang Yaxu, Zhou Xiaolin
(Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing 100871)
Abstract: Is there a face-specific processing module which is cognitively and/or neurally dissociable with the module of object processing? And how is face processing system organized? Both of these questions are the core issues in the current cognitive neuroscience of face processing. With evidence from both neuropsychology and neuroimaging studies using ERPs, PET or fMRI, researchers had found a face-specific brain area, which was named fusiform face area (FFA). In this paper, we first review some critical studies investigating both the specificity and the multiple components of face processing. We then evaluate the popular cognitive and neural models of face recognition and speculate on the direction of future studies.
Key words:face processing, fusiform face area, visual cognition, cognitive neuroscience.