

Wuthering Heights

(1818Emily Bronte (1818-48), the second of the 3 Bronte sisters, is regarded as the greatest woman poet in English literature. However she is better known as the author of Wuthering Heights, her only novel. She remained a spinster throughout her life. When Wuthering Heights was published it was taken as a Gothic or horror novel. But since the 20th century it has been highly estimated to be equal to Jane Eyre, her sister Charlotte's masterpiece.

Brontë Emily Jane Bront

Emily had an unusual character, extremely unsocial and reserved, with few friends outside her family. She preferred the company of animals to people and rarely travelled, foreveryearning for the freedom of Haworth and the moors. She had a will of iron – a well known story about her is that she was bitten by a (possibly) rabid dog which resulted in her walking calmly into the kitchen and cauterizing (变形的, 变形的, 凹凸印花的) 凹凸印花的) the wound herself with a hot iron.

In appearance, she was lithesome and graceful, the Brontë tallest of the Bront children , 节俭的) but ate sparingly (节俭的) and would starve herself when unhappy or unable to get her own way. As her literary works suggest, she was highly intelligent, teaching herself German while working in the kitchen and playing the piano well enough to teach it in Brussels. Her stubbornness lasted to the end where she refused to see a doctor or rest while she was dying of tuberculosis.

Genealogy 族谱) (族谱)格雷》 《艾格尼斯·格雷》 艾格尼斯 格雷

Jane Eyre3 Bronte sisters

30 July, 1818 April 1820 15 September 1821 25 November 1824 1 June 1825

Emily Jane born at Thornton The family moves to Haworth Maria, Emily's mother, dies Emily joins her sisters, Maria, Elizabeth and Charlotte, at Cowan Bridge School Emily and Charlotte return from Cowan Bridge School after typhoid strikes and the death of their two older sisters. Mr Brontë brings home 12 wooden soldiers for Branwell and the children begin creating imaginary worlds Creates the imaginary kingdom of Gondal with Anne Becomes a pupil at Roe Head School where Charlotte is a teacher

5 June 1826

Before July 1831 29 July 1835


September 1838 February 1842 Autumn 1845 May 1846 December 1847 28 September, 1848 19 December, 1848 22 December, 1848

Begins work as teacher at Law Hill, Halifax, probably for about six months Charlotte and Emily travel to a school in Brussels (Emily stays for about nine months) Charlotte finds Emily's poetry. Probably began Wuthering Heights about now Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell published Wuthering Heights published with Agnes Grey Branwell's funeral at which Emily catches a severe cold leading to tuberculosis. Dies at Haworth Parsonage at about two in the afternoon Interred in family vault at St Michael and All Angels Church, Howarth

Characters恩萧先生 Mr.Earnshaw ———the owner of Wuthering the Heights 辛德雷

恩萧 Mr.Earnshaw’ 辛德雷 恩萧 Hindley Earnshaw ——Mr.Earnshaw’s son Mr.Earnshaw 凯瑟琳 恩萧 恩萧Catherine Earnshaw—Mr.Earnshaw 凯瑟琳 恩萧Catherine Earnshaw Mr.Earnshaw ‘s daughter 希斯克厉夫 Heathcliff ———the orphan raised by the Mr.Earnshaw 哈里顿 恩萧 恩萧Hareton Earnshaw’ 哈里顿 恩萧Hareton Earnshaw ————— Hindley Earnshaw’s son 女管家,又名艾伦Ellen 耐莉 Nelly Dean ————— 女管家,又名艾伦Ellen 约瑟夫 Joseph ————— 呼啸山庄的老仆人 林敦先生 Mr.Linton ————the owner of Thrushcross the Grange画眉田庄主人 Grange画眉田庄主人 埃德加 林敦 林敦Edgar Mr.Linton’ 埃德加 林敦Edgar Linton ——Mr.Linton’s son Mr.Linton 伊莎贝拉 林敦 林敦Isabella Linton————Mr.Linton’s daughter, Mr.Linton’ daughter, 伊莎贝拉 林敦Isabella Linton Mr.Linton remarried to Heathcliff

Heathcliff Catherine's love and the anti-hero of the story. The book essentially follows his story from first appearance at Wuthering Heights to his death there.

Catherine Earnshaw Heathcliff's love and heroine of the story although she dies part of the way through the book. Her character, both alive and dead, haunts Heathcliff. She is free-spirited and beautiful, but can also be spiteful and arrogant. Growing up alongside Heathcliff, their love is more like that of twins than lovers, and she marries Edgar because of his position and breeding.

Edgar Linton

Catherine's husband. His breeding and wealth attracted Catherine though Heathcliff was her true love. He is a spoiled cowardly man although tender and loving to Catherine and his daughter. He is a contrast to Heathcliff both physically and spiritually.

Isabella Linton: Introduced as part of the Linton family, Isabella is only ever shown in relation to other characters. She views Heathcliff as a romantic hero, despite Catherine's warning her against such a view, and becomes an unwitting participant in his plot for revenge. After being married to Heathcliff and abused at Wuthering Heights, she escapes to London and gives birth to Linton.

Timeline1500: The stone above the front door of Wuthering Heights, bearing the name of Mr Earnshaw, is inscribed, possibly to mark the completion of the house. 1757: Hindley Earnshaw born (summer); Nelly Dean born 1762: Edgar Linton born 1765: Catherine Earnshaw born (summer); Isabella Linton born (late 1765) 1771: Heathcliff brought to Wuthering Heights by Mr Earnshaw (late summer) 1773: Mrs Earnshaw dies (spring) 1774: Hindley sent off to college

1777: Hindley marries Frances; Mr Earnshaw dies and Hindley comes back (October); Heathcliff and Catherine visit Thrushcross Grange for the first time; Catherine remains behind (November), and then returns to Wuthering Heights (Christmas Eve) 1778: Hareton born (June); Frances dies 1780: H …… 此处隐藏:5172字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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