


What' S importeιnt, not the scoreboards ” All the EagleS

agreed > After the injured PIayer WaS SerIt to a hosp it al,

and his teammates took a knee, The injured PIayer now is OUt Of the hospital and recovering, WhiCh is a relief to the Eagles, WhO have never regretted their decision 、 "What my

PIayerS did WaS amazing,” Said Jay 、 “I WaS SUrPriSed and encouraged that they Were thinking not about themselves but aboUt others 、 ”

55、 Why WOUlel the LiOnS want to give up?

A 、 They Were IOSing the game

B 、 They thought the game WaS Unfair

C 、 SOme Of their PIayerS Werlt to hospiteιl

D 、 They Were WOrried about the injured PIayer

56、 HoW WOUIel Jay PrObabIy feel in the end?

A 、 UPSe t

B 、 PrOUd

C 、 RegretfUI

D 、 EXCited

the two teams took the field again 、 With the end ZOne and the Eagles , first ViCtory extremely close, the

t earn S Center Snapped the ball (开球), the quarterback

and the game CIOCk hit

zero. Game over.


