

me, ” SaiCl Mike, WhO SUffered great Pain from the hit、BUt it WaS the Lions' Player WhO got the WOrSt Of it、He Iay On the ground and COUIdn, t move a bit、The trainers and COaCheS ran to his side、FiVe minutes Iater, he St订1 COUldn, t move、Game OffiCiaIS Saicl that the POOr teen had IOSt all feelings On his Ieft Side and an ambulance had been CalIed> U I WaS really SCared at that time, " Saicl

Mike、The doctors then arrived, and SOOn after, a CalI to a medical tranSPOrt helicopter WaS made、That' S When the LiOns' COaCh WaIkeei across the filed and told the EagIes' COaCh Jay that his PIayerS Were too UPSet to COntinUe the game and they WOUId give up、Jay then gathered his team members and told them it WaS time to SUPPOrt their OPPOnent、“It WaS the right thing to

do, n SaiCl Jay、U IrI life, the WelI-being Of Others is



