

already COmPIeted in nOrthern China. EVen the most cold- resistant (而扌寒的)crops Can no IOnger grow. FarmerS are now able to enjoy a PeriOd Of rest、BUt in the south, the harvest is St订1 in its best time t as farmers have to take home the SWeet POtatOeS before they are destroyed by the COming frost、ACrOSS the COUntry, after a year Of farming, now it is time to PIOW the fields and PrePare the SOiI for next year、EnjOy the flaming red maple IeaVeS (M n t)AUtUnm might be the InOSt COIOrfUI SeaSOn in China With the IeaVeS turning from golden yellow to red、ACtiVities Iike hiking become POPUIar as PeOPIe appreciate the bright red leaves. Nearly all the tourist WebSiteS IiSt the best SiteS for admiring the red maple IeaVeS during this time, and many Cities Start to Offer OffiCiaI routes for the most PiCtUreSqUe VieWS Of the leavesAPPreCiating in the VieW is an OId tradition

Starting in ancient times、DU Mu, a WeII-known POet from the Tang DynaSty (618~907)

depicted the mountainous SCenery in a poem:“I StOPPeei the COaCh as Charmeci by the maple woods; FrOSted autumn IeaVeS OUtShine FebrUary flowers in

redness、” BeSt time to adjust to a noUriShing

IifeStyIeIt is Said that ShUangjiang is the best time to adjust to a nourish in g(营养的)

life, WhiCh reflects the belief that this is an important time to focus On



