

me before I had a bad fall t and it WaS the WOrSt36 I had ever had、I had to COmPletely rest for SiX WeekS before I finally Came back to training, WhiCh WaS by no means easy. With the37 that I had to PUt into it, I WaS questioning Whether I Wanted to do it again FOr the first time in my life, I WaS actually thinking aboUt quitting、BUt then it OCCUrred to me that I didn' t have a Iot IOnger Ieft doing What I love; PIUS t I

WaSn' t ready to retire yet and I knew I' d38 it in IEIter years if I did quit、That thought39 me to COme back and be that resilient (有韧性的)g让1 OnCe again> I think my resilience COmeS from my family, having40 my mum When I WaS a baby and Seeing my dad' S faith and41--it WaS never too hard for him、That WaS Iife and he had to get On With it--there WaS no Other _42、IIe had 10 Chilelren and he WaS a SingIe father> We had to WOrk hard from a young age, SO at the time, We felt We Were a Iittie hard One by, but the OIder I got the IIlOre I began to43 the WOrk ethic he taught us、My OIder SiSter Tina was 15 WherI my mum PaSSed away and She basically44 that role、I remember WatChing her and WOndering45 She just got things done、It WaS simple、If it had to be done, it had to be done、When things get _46 , I think back to those days and I' m SUre that helps me、Being a female jockey is never easy. YOU get SO many PeOPle PUtting you down、YOU hear male jockeys and trainers Say you, re not good even Wherl you' ve47 yourselves SO IlIany times. I try to turn those COmments into a POSitive, a Way Of PUShing me to be48-一train harder,



