

aroUnd ShUEIngjiang、important thing


KeePing Warm

B、DOing more exercise

C 、BalanCing diet

D 、Getting enough SIeeP

54、The PUrPOSe Of the PaSSage is to __________________________ 、

A、explain the importance Of the24 SOIar terms

BX ShOW Clifferent activities during harvest time

C、help readers UnelerStand the Charnl Of autumn

D、introduce ShUangjiang and its influence On USB On a hot evening in SePtember xx, the EagleS WaS threatening to Win its first game Of the season. “I WaS really

excited,n Said One tearn member Peter、“This WaS the

game we, CI been IOOking forward to as We Were going to PIay against the best OPPOnent(对手)Lions、” With OnIy SeCOndS Ieft in the fourth quarter and the LiOnS up29-28, all the EagleS Were quite nervous and they decided to go

One yard for a toUChdoWn (触地得分)to grab a ClramatiC come-

from-behind ViCtory. IlOWeVer, they gave the game away. JUSt after the EagIeS quarterback (DaVid had COnneCted With the receiver Mike at the three-yard line, a LiOnS defender SUcldenIy delivered a fierce hit, knocking them both to the ground. “There WaS a huge force, as if a truck had hit



