Your career is our concern
Employee support is a vital aspect of our company policy.
International markets, the fast pace of technological change and the steady increase in the flow of information make lifelong learning a necessity. We help you to stay on the ball through a systematic, active employee development program which centers around personal conversations, through our support group and a wide range of training opportunities. With personal initiative, flexibility and the ability to work independently, all our employees can achieve their professional goals at Bosch. When would you like to start your career with us? Employee development: a top-priority issue at Bosch
We believe that employee development is a continuous process of preserving and improving the qualifications which our employees need to face the challenges of the present and the future. This applies to all employees of the Bosch Group. Our aim is to be able to draw on the ranks of our own employees for the qualified personnel we need. And so it is an integral part of our employee development policy to stretch our employees with challenging or international tasks.
Together with their superiors, our employees regularly discuss their career goals and the development measures that will get them there. When can we talk about your career?
Global player seeks team players
Bosch offers you the support you need for your international career.
You'd like to get to know other countries and gain work experience at the same time? At Bosch, international work is an important aspect of the development of our professional and management employees. The practice of exchanging employees on an international scale is the order of the day on all company levels at Bosch. You can count on our support and experience when planning and organizing your stay abroad. And your reintegration afterwards is also our concern. From China, your mentors will keep in touch with you and help to plan your return to the team at home.
今天去笔试了。。 30道题目,全英文的,有数字推理,一般的智力图形推理,还有十来道的案例分析,最后就是逻辑推理了。。在30分钟内完成还是感觉很有难度对我来说,光是读题都需要1分钟时间别说去计算答案了。。不晓得及格分是多少,但是自己感觉是完全没戏的了。。后面的同志们加油好运吧。。