2011年广东省高考全真模拟试卷 英语(三)(6)



So, Annie went back to college for further study. When she graduated, she found a job where she was part of a team, as before, but where she had responsibility in making decisions. Her working hours were longer and her work more difficult than when she was a nurse but she enjoyed it. She felt she was in control of her life and her work. For Annie, stress in her old job had made her change her life and end a difficult situation. Stress in her new job became a good thing because it helped her achieve satisfaction in her life and in her work.

36. Feeling _______ is one form of stress. A. tired B. alone C. anxious D. breathless

37. According to the passage, ______ die of heart disease. A. most men B. more men than women C. more women than men D. both men and women

38. A person experiences ______ changes when he is feeling either stress or fear.

A. similar bodily B. different bodily C. similar chemical

D. different physical

39. When Annie was a nurse, she felt no real ______ in her work or in her life. A. unhappiness B. breakdown C. satisfaction D. responsibility

40. What is one major difference between Annie s new job and her old one? A. It included team work.

B. It demands higher qualifications. C. It ensures satisfaction.


Color is very important in our daily life. It can influence our choice of purchase when we go shopping and can also affect the way we look and feel. A person can be naturally attracted to one particular color while finding another color repulsive. The influence of color on human emotions and feelings is very powerful and designers, advertisers, artists and even doctors use in their professions for different purposes.

Every day, without even thinking about it, we use color to communicate our feelings. For example, the color we choose to wear is one way of expressing ourselves. It says something about

D. It involves decision-making.


