2011年广东省高考全真模拟试卷 英语(三)(2)



Christmas on his lips would be or steamed like a Christmas pudding…”

1. A. smile

B. joke B. talking B. face B. annoyed B. cheap

C. present C. jumping C. mood C. rich

D. start D. crying D. emotion D. concerned D. kind D. blamingD. signs D. crazy D. money D. bills D. cheaper D. nobody D. angrily D. heated

2. A. sweating 3. A. attitude 4. A. excited 5. A. poor

6. A. talking 7. A. ill-judged 8. A. attention 9. A. cross 11. A. cash

10. A. people 12. A. younger 13. A. anything 14. A. happily 15. A. boiled

C. disturbed C. grumbling C. ill-logical C. words C. mad C. things C. price C. prettier C. nothing C. open

B. complaining B. ill-natured B. messages B. nervous B. fools B. tax

B. older

D. ill-tempered

B. something B. worriedly B. closed

C. unhappily

第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


While walking through a park in the industrial city of Kharkov, I spotted an old Russian veteran of World War Ⅱ.They are proudly display on their shirts and jackets. This is not an act of egotism. It is their country s way of honoring those by the Nazis. I went up to this old man with his wife and said, “Druzhba i mir” (friendship and peace). The man looking at me as if in took the button we for the trip and said “Friendship” in being held by loving hands, and said, “Americanski?” I replied, “Da, Americanski. Druzhba i mir.” He clasped both my hands as if we were long brothers and repeated again, “Americanski!” This time there was recognition and love in his statement.

For next few minutes he and his wife spoke Russian as if I understood every word, and I spoke English as if I knew he would understand. You know what? of us understood a word, but we surely understood each other. We hugged, and laughed and cried, all the while saying, “Druzhba i mir, Americanski.” “I love you, I am proud to be in your country, we do not want war. I love you!”

Ⅱ 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


