2011年广东省高考全真模拟试卷 英语(三)(4)



B. A packet of dried beans C. Canned fruit juice

D. Fried noodles at a street stall

30. People would not be ______ to visit their doctor if they suffer from mild food. A. sick B. able C. want D. bothered


The Wang family decided to go abroad for their Christmas holiday. “Where would you like to go?” Mr. Wang asked his family over dinner. “England,” Tony said eagerly.

“I m sorry, England is too expensive and we can t afford to go there,” his father said.

“How about Thailand?” Janet asked. “There is a special package tour on promotion at the moment and the price is quite reasonable. I ve the travel brochure here. Look.”

Mr. Wang called on the travel agent, made a booking and paid a deposit for the tour. Several days later, when he paid the balance, the travel agent said to him. “You will get your air tickets at the airport as yours are the special group fare type. Please arrive at the airport two hours before departure on that day. Remember to wear this badge and show our people your passports in front of the check-in counter,” he continued.

On the day of departure, the Wangs took a taxi to the airport. While they were approaching the check-in counter, a middle-aged man came up to them and said, “Are you traveling with Asia Travel Bureau? I m their representative and here s my identification,” pointing to the tag on his lapel. “Can I have your passports before I give you the tickets?”

Unsuspectingly, Mr. Wang handed him the passports. The latter flipped through them quickly and said, “Mr. Wang, please wait here while I get the tickets.” These were the last words Mr. Wang ever heard from the man. Later, at the police station they learned with dismay that the man had been using this ploy to cheat other passengers over the past few months. The man was obviously a member of a gang selling passports to illegal immigrants.

At home that evening, they were watching the news on television when they heard the announce say: “Today, at around 11am, a plane to Thailand was blown off the runway by a strong air current prior to take-off. The plane skidded over a narrow strip of water opposite the bay. Luckily, there were no serious injuries. 48 passengers and three crew members were taken to hospital for treatment for minor cuts and bruises. Two of them are still in hospital for observation and both are said to be in satisfactory condition.”

31. Tony wanted to _______ during _______.

A. have an expensive holiday, the Christmas holiday B. go to Thailand, Christmas C. a foreign place, the holidays D. visit England, Christmas


