2011年广东省高考全真模拟试卷 英语(三)(3)





One hot, summer day, you returned home late from school and were very hungry. You opened the refrigerator, saw some left-over chicken, and ate it quickly. Several hours later, you felt very sick. Your stomach was painful and felt as if it had turned to liquid. You had to make frequent visits to the washroom. You felt unwell for several days and after you recovered, you thought to yourself – “It must have been something I ate.” You were probably right.

“Food poisoning” is the name given to the unpleasant symptoms you get when you eat food which is contaminated with certain types of harmful bacteria or by the poison produced by some bacteria. Contrary to popular belief, the bacteria which cause food to rot are not the most common do not usually eat food which is noticeably “off”. Usually the contaminated food which does cause food poisoning looks, smells and tastes alright.

Food poisoning is not infectious, but outbreaks of the illness often affect more than one person. The reason is that the bacteria which cause food poisoning can infect the large quantity of food prepared for many people. However, it does not follow that everybody who eats the contaminated food becomes ill and nobody knows why some people seem to escape doing so.

Food poisoning is so common nowadays that almost everyone has suffered from it, especially people who live in urban areas. This is so because city dwellers are used to eating mass-produced food in public areas where hygiene is often neglected. As people become familiar with the symptoms of food poisoning, few bother to visit their doctor when they have one of the milder forms of this illness, so it is very difficult to say just how widespread it is.

26. The underlined words “this cause” (the second paragraph) probably means “_____”.

A. poison B. rotten food C. popular belief D. contaminated food

27. What are mainly described in paragraph 1?

A. The reasons for food poisoning B. Food poisoning

C. The symptoms of food poisoning D. The working of the bacteria

28. Food poisoning is very common in places where people ______.

A. eat out a lot B. are neglected C. are dirty

D. love to entertain

29. Which of the following is an example of mass-produced food in public areas?

A. An apple bought in the supermarket


