With the conventinuous consumption of resources , the conventional enenrgy-based energt strcucture has not already more and more adapt to the needs for sustainable
development,sppeing-up the development of and utilization of solar energy , the photovoltaic technology based on the photovoltaic effect has a very bord application prospect.
In the design , we try to design an automatic tracking system with Biaxial in order to
enhance solar light - electricity conversion efficiency. The system is based on single-chip, orbit the sun elevation angle formula using the sun and calculating azimuth and take the time chip advantage of dual-axis stepper motor driven tracking system, make the solar panels perpendicular to the solar incidence line, to improve the absorption efficiency of solar energy.
At present, the design of a simple formula was only for calculating the data, the
east-west to the point of view will be changed once an hour, the north-outh perspective will be changed once a day, and then the MCU to return to control things through the night to determine, as well as every haif a year to track the direction of the north-south change in control.
Because of the time and the current limitations of the knowledge of the author’s , the
tracking system to track the point of view is rough , there are many errors , if the
opportunity arised the design will be iomproved in the future.
Keywords: solar cells Inrradiation angle of sun tracking automatically single-chip Stepping motor