

Unit1-Unit8的Read and translate和Read and simulate

working overseas.


All that remained as the police combed through the scene of the murder was a cigarette end still smoking and flashing in the darkness.

Passage B

Read and translate

1. 公共汽车放慢速度并停下,让那位乘客上车。(slow down)

The bus slowed down and stopped to allow the passenger to get on board.

2.许多车子都驶过去了,可是没有一辆愿意让我们搭便车。(roll by)

Many vehicles rolled by, but no one offered us a ride.

3 .请勿践踏草地。(get off)

Please get off the grass.

4.他按妻子的吩咐,一下班就去了市场。(make one’s way)

He made his way to the marketplace right after work, as his wife had asked him to do. 5 .值得庆幸的是,史蒂夫 (Steve) 从自行车上摔下来时没有摔断骨头。(luckily)

Luckily, Steve didn’t break any bones when he fell off his bike.


Passage A

Read and translate

1. 我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的角度来对待这件事。(from a professional standpoint) We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.

2. 这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人心的剧情之中。(lose oneself in)


