

Unit1-Unit8的Read and translate和Read and simulate

It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.

5. 尽管年事已高,爷爷每天还帮忙做家务。(despite)

Despite advanced years, Grandpa helps do housework every day.

Read and simulate

1. 从那一刻起,在《哈利 波特》系列影片中担任主角的11岁少年丹尼尔意识到自己的生活从此永远地改变了。

From that moment on, 11-year-old Daniel who played the leading role in the Harry Potter movies recognized that his life would never be the same.

2. 这个年轻人相信:不管前进途中有多少困难,他都会实现他的梦想。

He was a young man who believed that he will fulfill his dream no matter how many difficulties lie in the way.

3. 他的妻子在车祸中丧生之后,他才意识到妻子在他的生活中曾经有多么重要。

It wasn’t until his wife was killed in the accident that he realized how important she had been in his life.

4. 手中拿着一本童话故事书时,我总是觉得我被领进了一个美丽而纯洁的世界。

With fairy tale book in hand, I always felt I was ushered into a world of beauty and purity.

5. 正像运动员要达到完美的地步需要日复一日反复训练一套大的日常训练计划中的少数动作一样,一个好学生平日就应该不断努力充实自己。

Just as an athlete achieves perfection by repeated training of a few actions of the larger routine day after day, a good student should make continuous efforts to improve himself on a regular basis.

Passage B


