

Unit1-Unit8的Read and translate和Read and simulate

Passage B

Read and translate

1. 正如数据显示,我们在短时间内已在这一领域取得了巨大的成就。(demonstrate)

As the statistics demonstrates we have made great progress in this field in a short period of time.

2. 伟大领袖的丰功伟绩在歌曲和故事中传诵。(exploits)

The exploits of great leaders have been told in songs and stories.

3. 路很远,我们轮流开车吧。(take turn)

It is a long way. Let's take turn driving.

4. 事实证明,造成灾难的不是计算机故障,而是银行家。(turn out)

It turns out that it is the banker rather than the computer fault that has caused the disaster.

5. 他们必须采取具体措施来实行技术更新,否则计划就会落空。(end in)

They must take practical measures to carry out their plan; otherwise it will end in smoke.


