


( ) 14. Computer are very popular now and they are not as __________as before. A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive ( ) 15. May I have ___________cakes. I am very hungry.

A. two another B. another two C. two other ( ) 16. ---Could you tell us something about this city? We are new here.

---Sorry, I don‘t know much about it__________.

A. also B. too C. either ( ) 17. ----___________did he become a football player?

---He became a football player when he was 18 years old.

A. How long B. When C. What time ( ) 18. It‘s ______________boating in the river in spring.

A. fun to go B. a fun going C. fun to go to

( ) 19. Can you build the bridge with _________money and ____________people? A. less, less B. fewer, less C. less, fewer ( ) 20. It often ___________us thirty minutes to walk to school. A. takes B. spends C. pays


