作者简介:赖永红,男,1967年出生,福建省龙岩市人,高级农艺师,从事作物种子推广与管理。通信地址:364000 福建省龙岩市中城九一北路68号,福建省龙岩市新罗区种子站。Tel:0597-2290509,E-mail:Lyh1053@。 收稿日期:2009-02-01,修回日期:2009-02-20。
(福建省龙岩市新罗区种子站,福建龙岩 364000)
摘 要:探讨了不同栽培技术措施对福建龙岩红芽芋产量相关性状的影响,为福建龙岩红芽芋高产栽培提供科学依据。以福建龙岩红芽芋为材料,采用不同肥料配施、种植密度、覆盖方式、品种比较和芋膨大期观察试验。基肥(有机肥500 kg/667m2)+中期(有机肥500 kg/667m2)有利于获得高产,综合品质最好;密度(40 cm×60 cm)产量最高;地膜覆盖可明显提高植株高度、叶宽、叶长、成叶数、茎基粗度、子芋与孙芋重量;红芽芋子芋重量和产量在芋膨大中期(7月14日)具有明显的快速增长现象;适当增加株高和茎叶产量有利于母芋产量的增加,母芋产量的增加有利于子芋个数与产量、孙芋个数与产量的增加,从而获得较高的产量。因此,采用综合栽培技术可显著提高龙岩红芽芋产量和品质。 关键词:红芽芋;产量性状;栽培技术;相关通径 中图分类号:S632.3 文献标识码:A
Affects of Different Cultivation Technique Measures on
Yield-related Traits of Red Sprout Clocasia escalenta in Longyan Fujian
Lai Yonghong
(Xinluo District Seed Administration Station, Longyan Fujian 364000)
Abstract: To discuss the effects of different cultivation technique measures on yield-related traits of red sprout Clocasia escalenta in Longyan Fujian to provide scientific basis for high-yield cultivation of red sprout Clocasia escalenta in Longyan Fujian. Using red sprout Clocasia escalenta in Longyan Fujian as the materials to observe the trials of different fertilizer, planting density, covering ways, and variety comparison and expansion period of Clocasia escalenta. Basic fertilizer (organic fertilizer 500 kg/667m2) add medium-term (organic fertilizer 500 kg/667m2) facilitates favor to high-yield with the best quality; density(40 cm×60 cm)with the highest yield; plastic mulching can significantly increase plant height, leaf width, leaf length, mature leaves, basal culm thickness, the first grade cormels weight and the second grade cormels weight; the first grade cormels of red sprout Clocasia escalenta weight and yield had the obvious phenomenon of rapid growth in the medium expansion period of Clocasia escalenta (July 14); an appropriate increase in plant height and stem yield was conducive to the increase in corn yield, the increase in corn yield favor to the first grade cormel numbers, the first grade cormel yield, the second grade cormel numbers, the second grade cormel yield, and thus obtain a higher yield. Integrated cultivation techniques can significantly increase red sprout Clocasia escalenta yield and quality in Longyan.
Key words: red sprout Clocasia escalenta, yield traits, cultivation technique, correlation path
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