


A.a poem centers on the death of a person or persons and is, therefore, somber in tone. An elegy is lyrical rather than narrative;an elegy expresses feelings of loss and sorrow while also praising the deceased and commenting on the meaning of the deceased's time on earth.

B.Meter 节拍and Rhyme 韵律Scheme

Gray wrote the poem in four-line stanzas (quatrains). Each line is in iambic pentameter

C.Stanza Form: Heroic Quatrain英雄体四行诗

A stanza with the above-mentioned characteristics — four lines each stanza, iambic pentameter in each line, and an abab rhyme scheme each stanza — is often referred to as a heroic quatrain. After Gray's poem became famous, writers and critics also began referring to the heroic quatrain as an elegiac stanza挽歌诗节

D Themes

Death: the Great Equalizer均衡,平等;Missed Opportunities;the virtue of the villagers E.Figures of Speech:

.Alliteration;Anaphora 首语重复法;Metaphor;Metonymy 转喻;Personification

9)A Modest Proposal

an essay that uses satire to make its point

Purpose:Jonathan Swift wrote ―A Modest Proposal‖ to call attention to abuses inflicted on Irish Catholics by well-to-do English Protestants;Swift also satirizes the Irish themselves in his essay, for too many of them had accepted abuses stoically rather than taking action on their own behalf.

Essay Format:In "A Modest Proposal," Swift uses a standard essay format: an opening that presents the topic and thesis (the "modest proposal"), a body that develops the thesis with details, and a conclusion.

Irony:The dominant figure of speech in "A Modest Proposal" is verbal irony, in which a writer or speaker says the opposite of what he means.

Themes:Exploitation of the Downtrodden受压迫的;Irish Inaction 无为;Prejudice 问答题

Introduction to the 17th Century

1. the English Revolution

1) The feudalism of most European countries were experiencing the breakdown in the 17th century. The English Revolution signified the end of the middle century and the beginning of the modern society, since then Europe entered into Capitalism.

2)the revolution between two parties – the Anglican Church (Charles I) and the Puritans, which represents the interests of cavaliers and the bourgeois class respectively;

3)the purpose of the 1642 Civil War – to establish the constitutional monarchy and reform the religion;

4) restricted various forms of entertaining activities and the personal freedom of Catholics and Anglicans.

5) In 1660 Charles II restored the monarchy to a Stuart king. (for more than 20 years) the excessive moral severity

6) Mary and her husband William accepted the British crown in 1688. (the Glorious Revolution) Parliamentary government was firmly established in Britain.

The 18th Century England

1)After the stormy years of the 17th century, England entered a period of comparatively


