



Ben Johnson--- Volpone -- the greatest writer of comedy after Shakespeare

John Donne --- the father of Metaphysical Poetry-----代表作《The Flea》

John Milton--- Paradise Lost

Milton divides the universe into four major regions: glorious Heaven, dreadful Hell, confusing Chaos, and a young and vulnerable Earth in between.

Francis Bacon----《Of studies》

John Bunyan--《The Pilgrim’s Progress》《Vanity Fair》

Alexander Pope--《 the Rape of the Lock》--- early 18th century has been named after him as “The Age of Pope”.---Blake summarized him as “elegant formalism”,heroi-comical poem Thomas Gray--- Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard-----an elegiac stanza挽歌诗节 Jonathan Swift---- A Modest Proposal


1)Metaphysical poets 玄学派诗人

About the beginning of the 17th century appeared a school of poets called ―Metaphysicals‖ by Samuel Johnson, the 18th century writer. The works of the Metaphysical poets are characterized, generally speaking, by mysticism(神秘) in content and fantasticality(变化无常) in form. The most representative poet is John Donne. (a complex, highly intellectual verse filled with intricate (difficult) and far-fetched metaphors)

2)Cavalier Poets 保王党派诗人

Another school of poetry prevailing in the 17th century was Cavalier Poetry. Cavalier poets are, more often than not, knights and squires, who side with the king against the parliament and the puritans in the English Revolution. They mostly deal in short songs on the flitting joys of the day, but underneath their lightheartedness lies some foreboding of impending doom. The leading Cavalier poets were Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace and Sir John Suckling.

3) Metaphysical conceit:

It is a paradoxical(似是而非的)metaphor causing a shock to the mind by the unlikeliness of the association. At its best, this kind of image unites disparate(不同的,不相关的) experiences in a single impact on the imagination, but often it is only an exhibition of ingenuity(精巧).

4)The 18th Century England

After the stormy years of the 17th century, England entered a period of comparatively peaceful development in the 18th century. The upper classes, wanted no religious enthusiasts and revolutionaries. They believed in reason. This rational approach to social and literary problems have given it the title of ―The Age of Reason‖, while the desire for perfect form which resulted in adaptations of Greek and Latin models has caused it to be called ―The Neoclassic Age.‖

1)The Glorious Revolution (1688)

2) After that England gradually became a constitutional monarchy, and power passed from the king to the parliament and the cabinet.

3)Religious Conflicts

4)The Rapid Expanding of the British Empire

5)The Industrial Revolution

6)Two-Party Politics (The Tory and the Whig)

7)The American War of Independence and the French Revolution (1789-1794)



