


It was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th and Russia in the 19th centuries. The movement was an expression of the struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism,it considered the chief means for the betterment of the society was the ―enlightenment‖ or ―education‖ of the people.

6)Neo-Classicism 新古典主义

Neoclassicism was a reaction against the intricacy and occasional obscurity, boldness and the extravagance of European literature of the late Renaissance, and in favor of simplicity, clarity, restraint, regularity and good sense. Chief characteristics of Neoclassic literatures a strong traditionalism, The neoclassic believed that literature was primarily an ―art‖, which must be perfected by long study and practice. In versification诗律, the age was famous for its “closed heroic couplet”

7)The Mock-Epic讽刺史诗

A mock-epic is a type of satire; it treats petty humans or insignificant occurrences as if they were extraordinary or heroic, like the great heroes and events of Homer's two great epics.

8) Heroic Quatrain英雄体四行诗

A stanza with the above-mentioned characteristics — four lines each stanza, iambic pentameter in each line, and an abab rhyme scheme each stanza — is often referred to as a heroic quatrain.

9)Anaphora 首语重复法

Repetition of a word, phrase, or clause at the beginning of word groups occurring one after the other

10)A satire

a literary work that attacks or pokes fun at vices, abuses, stupidity, and / or any other fault or imperfection. Satire may make the reader laugh at, or feel disgust for, the person or thing satirized,The main weapon of the satirist is verbal irony


1)Volpone--- Ben Johnson

Tone: Satiric Ben Johnson al, ironic in the main plo

Themes: Greed--- greed that extends not just to money but also to all objects of human desire -; the power of stagecraft; parasitism (寄生)--- everyone tries to live off the wealth or livelihood of desperation, but a form of superiority.

Motifs: Disguise , deception and reality; "gulling" ; the sacred and the profane

Symbols: Venice; animalia-- There is a "fable" running throughout the play, through the associations the characters' names create with animals. The animal imagery emphasizes the theme of "parasitism" in the play

Character: volpone---- This lack of rational forethought(事先的考虑)and commitment to his own sensual(肉体的) impulses, He is a creature of passion, an imaginative hedonist(快乐主义者)continually looking to find and attain new forms of pleasure, whatever the consequences may be.

Mosca--- the ultimate master of disguise, a clinging(执着的), servile parasite, Mosca himself is possessed by greed, and he attempts to move out of his role as parasite—a harmless fly, circling around a great beast—to the role of great beast himself.

Celia--- seem more weak than strong. But she has an inner moral sense

2)The flea--- John Donne


