


This poem alternates metrically between lines in iambic tetrameter and lines in iambic pentameter, a 4-5 stress pattern ending with two pentameter lines at the end of each stanza. Thus, the stress pattern in each of the nine-line stanzas is 454545455. The rhyme scheme in each stanza is similarly regular, in couplets, with the final line rhyming with the final couplet: AABBCCDDD.

3)Paradise Lost --- John Milton

type of work: Poem-- blank verse genre: Epic

Themes: The Importance of Obedience to God; The Hierarchical Nature of the Universe; The Fall as Partly Fortunate

Motifs: Light and Dark; The Geography of the Universe; Conversation and Contemplation Symbols: The Scales in the Sky-- the fact that God and Satan are not truly on opposite sides of a struggle—God is all-powerful, and Satan and Gabriel both derive all of their power from Him; Adam’s wreath--- his love and attraction to Eve is falling away,The fallen wreath represents the loss of pure love.

Adam --The first human, the father of our race, along with his wife Eve, the caretaker of the Garden of Eden. Adam is grateful and obedient to God, Adam is a strong, intelligent, and rational,Adam’s greatest weakness is his love for Eve. Adam’s curiosity and hunger for knowledge

Eve- she is not ambitious to learn, Eve’s strengths are her capacity for love, emotion, and forebearance

4)Francis Bacon----Of studies

Figures:a. Hyperbole (overstatement); simile; comparison; chinese four-charcater expressions or idioms; b. spiral thinking pattern (indirectly closed to the theme)

5)The Pilgrim’s Progress--John Bunyan

1)Bunyan’s masterpiece,a book of religious instructions in the form of allegory and dream,John Bunyan began writing The Pilgrim's Progress when he was lying in prison.

a Christian in search of salvation will meet many difficulties – various kinds of temptations and trials. Only by steadfastness and faithfulness can he win the way to Heaven

6)Vanity Fair--- John Bunyan

three witnesses are brought forward — Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank

Vanity Fair is a satirical picture of English society, law and religion in Bunyan’s day


1. simple and unaffected language of the common people, as well as a simple, lively and vivid prose style by the solemn dignity of the English Bible.

2. Everyday idiomatic expressions are used naturally and forcefully. In his works we can also find carefully observed and vividly rendered details taken from ordinary circumstances of ordinary life.

7)The Rape of the Lock--Alexander Pope

Theme:The central theme of The Rape of the Lock is the fuss that high society makes over trifling matters;

Verse Format:Pope wrote The Rape of the Lock in heroic couplets. A heroic couplet is a unit of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter

Figures of Speech:The main figure of speech in The Rape of the Lock is hyperbole

Personification;Anaphora首语重复法repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses;Alliteration

8)Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard--- Thomas Gray---- an elegy


