



1. of the students in our class _____going to the summer camp in Beijing next week.

A. Two fifths, is

B. Second fifths, are

C. Second fifths, is

D. Two fifths, are 【答案】 D



2.—Where is Class ______?

—It's on the ______ floor.

A. Six; third

B. Sixth; third

C. Six; three

D. Sixth; three

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——六班在哪里?——在六楼。六班,Class Six,专有名词,六楼,the sixth floor,使用序数词,故答案是A。


3.______ should not be allowed to go out at night.

A. Twelve-years-old

B. Twelve-year-olds

C. Twelve years old

D. Twelve year olds 【答案】 B



4.Lin Tao, an ______ boy, was very brave and helped his classmates run out of the classroom when the earthquake happened.

A. 8-year-old

B. 8 year old

C. 8-years-old

D. 8 year olds

【答案】 A


5.It's about ________________ kilometers from Nanchong to Chengdu.

A. two hundreds

B. two hundreds of

C. two hundred

D. two hundred of

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:从南昌到成都大约有两百公里。由句意可知,这里说的是“两百公里”two是基数词表示确切的数字,不能用百、千的复数形式,“two hundred”;但当基数词表示不确切数字,百、千后就要用复数形式,如“hundreds of”,故选C。


