暖通空调专业毕业设计 毕业论文(2)


The comprehensive design plan of air-conditioning system in Beijing


The graduation design

comprehensive building square meters. The height of the building is 15.3 meters. There are five floors in the building, among them, four floors are on the ground, and one is underground. The generation room of refrigeration system is set up in the basement. The cooling tower is fixed up on the roof of the fourth floor. The supermarkets and the lobby of the hotal are the main room in the first floor. The meeting rooms, offices and the hotal are on the second, third and fourth floors. The content of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system design include: central air-conditioning system(include the selection of the cooling and heating source), cooling water of air-conditioning system, prevent and get rid of the smoke in the basement and ventilation system. The complet air system is adopted mainly in the rooms, whose height is more higher and the space is more spacious. And PAU and FCU system is adopted in the other rooms. At last, the measurements of weaken sound, prevent equipment from vibration and insulation are adopted to the equipment of the air-conditioning system and pipeline.

Keyword: comprehensive building; air-conditioning system; cooling water system.

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