Matched pair transistors
Matched pair transistors are double transistors with matched current gain hFE1/hFE2 and matched base-emitter voltage VBE1 - VBE2. The optimal product for the most common applications is offered by means of several matching-categories and different pinning options. Internally the transistors are fully isolated.
Key features
- Current gain matching: hFE1/hFE2 = 0.7, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98
- Base-emitter voltage matching: VBE1 - VBE2 = 2 mV
- Standard double transistor pin-out for BCM-types
- Application optimized pin-out for all PMP-types
- Common emitter con guration for 5pin PMP-types
Key bene ts
- Improved performance of current mirror and differential ampli er circuits
- Drop-in replacement for standard double transistors (BCM-series)
- Simpli ed board layout (PMP-series)- Eliminates need for costly additional trimming
Key applications
- Current mirror e.g. for current
measurement or to drive LED’s with a constant current
- Differential ampli er e.g. sensor signal ampli cation
- Comparator e.g. for DC/DC converters
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