6. I think most of us think that the problems that we have in life
if we had more money. Your answer we gave them out 7. Correct answer would get solved
, but it doesn't give us the blissful answer. Your answer gives us more choices Correct answer gives us more choices
Done with this task.
1 Listen to Passage 1 and answer the questions.
1. What were people doing in China and the Middle East as far back as 5000 BC?
Your answer
Suggested answer
changing things
They were exchanging metals for goods.
2. In which continent did silver ingots first appear?
Your answer Europe
Suggested answer They first appeared in Europe.
3. When did coins appear in a country called Lydia?
Your answer Apound 1700 BC
Suggested answer Coins appeared in Lydia around 700 BC.
4. Where was the Greek coin, the drachma, used as a standard form of money?
Your answer
Suggested answer The drachma was used as a standard from of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.
5. When was paper money first used?
Your answer About 1680
Suggested answer Around 960 AD, in China.
6. What can the storehouses of the early Persians and the Ancient Egyptians be seen as?
Your answer
Suggested answer They can be seen as early banks.
7. Where was the gold standard applied?
Your answer
Suggested answer It was applied all over the world.
2 Listen to Passage 1 again and complete the sentences.
Tara, before we had money, Your answer we exchanged things , didn't we
? Correct answer we exchanged things, didn't we