现代大学英语精读2_unit1-2 课后翻译(6)
capable of generating new ideas .
9、 This machine can generated electricity in case of power
failure .
10、 He is enrolled in a two-month course for TOFEL.
11、 It doesn’t matter whether or not you agree ,my mind is
made up .
12、 Does it matter if I write in pencil ?
13、 Can you put it in another way ?
14、 I really don’t know how to put it ,I don’t really hate it ,but
I really love it either .
15、 Meals at university average out to about 10yuan per
day .
16、 The restaurant monthly profits average out 30
percent last year .
17、 We have more or less reach an agreement on
the matter .
18、 The old lady was busing employing in the
knitting sweaters for her grandchildren .
19、 Can you see to it that all the invitations are
delivered today?
20、 I will see to it that everything before guests
arrive .
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