旅游信息化研究作 者 梁 婷
专 业 信息管理与服务
指导教师 李 明 欣
摘 要
如今处在21世纪的我们,信息技术已成为当代先进生产力的代表,渗入到社会生活的各个领域。信息化是我国旅游产业优化升级和实现现代化的关键环节,利用信息技术和网络进行旅游业的促销和服务是信息时代旅游行业的新课题和必然的选择。我们发现,在信息化浪潮席卷全球的今天,不同的旅游企业在面对信息化使用上表现出两个普遍存在的极端问题,一是仍然采用手工作业的初级模式,效率低下,管理混乱,最终导致发展缓慢,甚至生存困难。二是面对市场上五花八门的软件产品,旅游企业盲目选择,管理软件、财务软件、客户管理软件,等等,每个软件都有需要,却又不完全实用,造成引入了信息化管理却达不到效果的尴尬局面; 信息已经成为生产力发展的重要核心和国家战略资源,信息技术是当代最先进生产力的代表。奈斯比特在《大趋势》中曾预言:“电信通讯、信息技术和旅游业将成为二十一世纪服务行业中经济发展的原动力”。那么这三者的结合即旅游业信息化将融合为一种更大的驱动力,不仅给电信通讯、信息技术等提供更广阔的舞台,同时也更赋予旅游业发展以无限的生机和活力。作为未来国民经济中的一项重要支柱产业,旅游业要与这股信息化浪潮相适应,促使中国在21世纪前叶成为世界首位旅游大国,就无可避免地面临这样一个挑战和机遇:加快中国旅游产业的信息化建设,增强旅游业可持续发展能力,实现高效优质型的集约化经营。旅游产业的信息化在未来的旅游业起着领导地位,综上所述,旅游信息化,势在必行!!!
Key words:
Tourism industry informatization is to make full use of electronic technique, information technology and databases and so on to collect every kind of tourist resources. It could be the productive force of the tourism industry and be an important way for the tourism industry to be improved and promoted.
stIn the 21 century, information technology is the representation of the advanced productive force, penetrating into every field in our daily life. However, there are two major extreme problems existing in the tourism industry:1. some travel agencies are still using the basic pattern with low efficiency and chaotic management. 2.other travel agencies purchase software blindly, such as management software, financial software, but they can’t make full use of it. Like Naisbitt predicted at the “Big Trend “ that telecommunications, information
sttechnology and tourism will become the driving force of the service industry in the 21
century. And the combination of the three points will also provide more opportunities for themselves. Tourism industry, which will be the pillar industry for the national economy, certainly will adapt to the information wave. In order to promote the tourism industry in