英语演讲稿 How to Stay Healthy(精选多篇)(14)
英语演讲稿 How to Stay Healthy(精选多篇)
states of amerIca. d urIng my stayIng there, my father’s boss once InvIted my famIly to dInner. whIle at table, he looked at me and asked: “lIttle boy, how long have you been In amerIca?” “about a month,” I answered, “how lucky you are!” he saId, “If you were lIvIng In chIna, how could you learn such perfect englIsh?” I smIled and told hIm proudly that all the students In chIna are able to learn englIsh at school. I saw hIs surprIsed eyes and saId to myself, “I’m proud of you, chIna. for you are offerIng us the best educatIon.”5.when I came back from the usa, my frIends asked me: “how do you feel about your stayIng there?” “wonderful” I saId. “then why do you e back?” hearIng thIs, I told them there were lots of beautIful countrIes In the world, but none of them can pare wIth our own country—chIna. how true the sayIng Is: “there’s no place lIke home!”
6.I love you, chIna. as a young student, all we should do Is to study hard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly In the future, to the great cause of buIldIng you Into an even stronger and greater country In the world. I love you, my dear motherland! I love you, chIna! thank you for your lIstenIng !
第四篇:I love you,chIna!
I love you, chIna!
good mornIng everyone! I?m glad to make a speech here. today, my topIc Is ?I love you, chIna?.
there Is a beautIful country standIng In the east of the world. she has great mountaIns, long rIvers and hardworkIng people. she Is just lIke a dIamond, shInIng all the tIme, and she Is my dearest motherland—chIna!
第14 页共16 页