The Audiolingual Method(4)



positively beneficial in helping students to develop their oral ability. While ,on the other hand, it can not developlanguage competence, lack of effectiveness, and

boredom caused by endless pattern drill: Techniques such as pattern practice, drilling, memorization, etc. might lead to language like behaviour, but they are not resulting in competence. Materials in The Audiolingual Method are primarily teacher-oriented. It may decrease the students' motivation.

In China, The Audiolingual Method has not developed comprehensively yet. So we should ameliorate English teaching in listening and speaking situation especially in universities. The universities shoulder the main responsibility to teach most of the students. What they take measures is important to the whole English educational

promise. Firstly, i think , the amount of the English class should increase properly. As i know,there is only once a week. From the long-range, it is not good for students to remember and review what they have learned. Secondly, the universities should continue the method of classifying the students into different classes and teach them different content according to their level. Finally, develop the dialogue between machines and students. Let the machines occupy the role to help the students not the teachers. This also can help students develop the the independence.

As the Audiolingual Method is the basic step for the further study, students must take it in earnest. It is not the teachers' responsibility to provide the chances to

practice. The most significant part belong to the students themselves. Most students are accustom to speak mother tongue in the English class. This is uncondutive to learning well. So remember that mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. I believe that if you practice more, you can make a great success in learning English.

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