The Audiolingual Method(3)
English-spoken countries so that it broad our horizon.
It states language is a structured system and rule governed. If language learning is organized according to its structure, language learning would be easier, especially to adult learners. The Audiolingual Method considers language ability made up of four skills and these skills can be taught separately. Since the natural order of skill
acquisition is listening, speaking, reading and writing, the Method gives the primary stress to the first two of the four skills. Speech is more basic to language than the written form, and listening and speaking are the basic form of verbal communication. In the classroom, the language skills are taught in the order of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
In the Audiolingual Method, as i have mentioned already, dialogues and patten drills form the basic of the audiolingual classrooms practice. In the past, teachers help us to practice. But now, because of the limited teachers resources, most of practise only depend on ourselves. Most universities have them own equipment and facilities for the students practice, such as the audiolingual classrooms and labs. Students are accessible to the computers and the resources from the Internet. That is very strong. Also we have the English corner and debate context every week. There, you can meet with the students who keen to speaking English and communicate with them freely. They may possess unique English access. As time goes by, you may find your listening skill and speaking skill have been improved gradually.
Meanwhile, universities set a series of classes such as listening and oral English given by native. There is no doubt that the native speakers master the guanine pronunciation. When he or she is speaking,students can feel the different between the native and the non-native English. They can imitate the access from the teachers.
Every coin has two sides. The Audiolingual Method cannot be the expectation. On one hand, the andiolingual theory is probably the first language teaching theory that openly claims to be derived from linguistics and psychology. Also, it can make language teaching possible to large groups of learners: It attempts to make language learning accessible to large groups of ordinary learners. With large classes, drills are of particular use in that they maximize student participation. Drills can be used
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