Chapter 2 The Cultural Environments Facing Business(18)
53) Organizing work differently to improve productivity will likely fail ________.
A) if the work force has a low tolerance for authoritarianism
B) unless workers are compensated with bonuses
C) unless the changes are compatible with what competitors are already doing
D) if changes interfere with strongly held values
Answer: D
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 74
Skill: Concept
Objective: STUDY QUESTION 2.14: What strategies might companies consider for minimizing resistance to changes they introduce to foreign societies?
AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity
54) An MNE may promote stakeholder participation in the decision on whether and how to make organizational changes. Such participation ________.
A) can be critical in countries with both high and low levels of employee education
B) is only cost-effective when stakeholders have expressed fears of the consequences of change
C) is unlikely to be productive if power distance and uncertainty avoidance are low
D) works best when the MNE is ethnocentric
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Page Ref: 76
Skill: Concept
Objective: STUDY QUESTION 2.14: What strategies might companies consider for minimizing resistance to changes they introduce to foreign societies?
AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity
55) When a company wishes to introduce change in a foreign country, its likelihood of success can be improved by ________.
A) introducing many changes simultaneously
B) gaining the support of opinion leaders
C) agreeing to make some home-country changes in return
D) informing local people that it would not be there if it did not know what was best
Answer: B
Diff: 1 Page Ref: 77
Skill: Concept
Objective: STUDY QUESTION 2.14: What strategies might companies consider for minimizing resistance to changes they introduce to foreign societies?
AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity