sample business letters(5)



Congratulations on Outstanding Achievement


You have proven the skeptics wrong and accomplished what most said was impossible.

There is no doubt that your recent achievements will be spoken of for some time to come and that the admiration

for your accomplishments is felt by all of us within the industry as well as the general public.

Please accept my heartiest congratulations for your success. Customer Incentive Program Announcement


As a valued customer of (name of company), we couldn't

wait to bring you the good news. This letter is to

announce the incorporation of our new customer incentive program (CIP?). Well, maybe we haven't thought of a great logo for it yet, but if you read on I think you'll agree

that no matter what we call it, it's super!

Starting on June 1st, a record of your account with our

store will be maintained on a cumulative basis for a

period of one year. Once your purchases have reached

$500, you will be automatically entitled to a 5% discount

on any order placed, including orders for sale items.

When your orders have reached the $1,000 mark, your

discount will increase to 10%. A $1,500 accumulation of orders will entitle you to a 15% discount and once you

have reached $2,000 you will receive 20% off all

merchandise orders. We think it's a great idea and hope

that you agree.

Won't you send us a purchase order today to get you

started on your way? If you think of a good name for us

to tag onto this new discount program, please let us know!

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