sample business letters



Welcome New Customer


Thank you for your new account and your first order of (description)

We are pleased in being able to provide you with this sample of our quality products and look forward to our relationship growing and flourishing.

We value the comments of our customers and upon receipt of this order we hope you will share your thoughts with us.

Thank You for Your Inquiry 1, Price List Enclosed


Your letter of inquiry regarding our product line has been brought to my attention and I would like to thank you for your interest in (name of firm's products)

I have enclosed a price list and data sheets which describe our full line of products that serve the (specify) industry. This should help to familiarize you with our family of products and the high quality of our equipment.

If you have any further questions about (name of firm's products) , please call us at our toll-free number,

(800) 000-0000.

Thank you again for your interest.

Acceptance of Counter Proposal

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