sample business letters(4)



goes into effect on (date) Any orders placed between

now and (date of increase) will be honored at the lower prices.

We wish to thank you for your valued account and know that you will understand the necessity for this price increase.

Apology to Customer for Accounting Error


Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding your account number ____________. We were able to track down

the error and have credited your account accordingly. A report to this effect has also been sent to our credit reporting company.

As of this date, your account balance is $_____________.

You are a valued customer and we apologize for any inconvenience this mix-up may have caused. If we may be

of further assistance please contact this office at your convenience.

Complimentary Letter to Hotel


Our (name of event) that was held at your hotel

was extremely successful.

The compliments that I have received on your staff's courteousness and the excellent food that your chefs prepared for the occasion have been numerous.

Thank you for helping to make our event a success.

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